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IMI Certified Mediator

The Assessment to become an IMI Certified Mediator

The Academy can offer official IMI Qualified Assessment Programs (QAP’s). During the IMI Certification assessment, there is a performance based part with a roleplay (1) and also an interview (2) on the actual practice and knowledge are assessed. Mediators who pass the assessment can become IMI Certified and / or ADR- register Associate or Full Certified Mediator.

IMI Certification is for experienced mediators who have completed at least 20 mediations or 200 hours mediating actual cases in practice in the 3 years prior to taking the assessment.

Image by Alexander Tsang


A. Candidates need to prepare documents meant to be send to the assessor(s)

  • Strength-weakness analysis of themselves as mediator. The self-assessment 
    should be a summary of the experience and learning points gathered in 
    actual mediations carried out by the mediator, especially those covered in the logbook. It should include a self-analysis of what goes well in practice and the what the mediator considers his or her strong skills, what the mediator could do differently in practice and areas of development

  • Description of their mediation style and approach of the process, preferably 
    this document covers all 6 elements of the Universal Disclosure Protocol 
    Mediation (UDPM
    ). And in any case describes the general process and the
    role of mediator/parties.

  • A logbook as proof of their mediation experience. Describing: type of mediations, type and number of parties, presence of (legal) advisors or other advisors, number of meetings and duration, result of the mediation, duration of the mediation process (start and end date) and any special characteristics of the case like co-mediation, cross-border and special events. Covering – anonymously- a minimum of 20 mediations or 200 hours of mediation carried out in the 3 years prior to the assessment.


All these documents form part of the assessment and are used as a base for the interview with the assessor(s), the feedback and the pass/fail decision. Candidates are assessed based on The Academy of Legal Mediation Practice Assessment Criteria Tool.


B. Candidates need to submit their Feedback Digest to the QAP (the Academy)

  • The Feedback Digest should be based on feedback forms from mediations covered in the logbook and be prepared by an independent Reviewer according to the IMI guidelines. Candidates can choose their own Reviewer (more information on Reviewers on IMI’s website: ). The feedback on which the Feedback Digest is based should also be submitted.

C. Candidates will receive a short description of the case and the participants approximately one week before the assessment.

The Assessment

1. Performance based assessment

A 45-minute video or life action assessment by two or one trained assessor(s) (for candidates who are coming from low GDP-countries), based on a role-play; Max 5 minutes for the opening statement.

2. Interview 

A 30-minute interview with the assessor(s) where the roleplay is reviewed by the assessors through asking questions and clarifications, a self-assessment of the candidate, and discussing and reviewing the mediators’ experiences in the practice cases described in the logbook. The interview consists of a part dealing with theory and background knowledge to establish together with the documents submitted sufficient understanding of mediation-, conflict- and negotiation theory as well as a part where the assessor(s) will examine how the candidate applied these learning’s in the actual mediation during the roleplay part of the assessment, as well as the mediations described in the logbook.

The candidate needs to successfully absolve the interview with the assessor(s) and establish that they have sufficient understanding of mediation-, conflict- and negotiation theory as well as being fully able to apply all learning’s in practice and to carry out mediations in a professional manner.  The mediator’s proficiency in advanced mediation process management skills like dealing with attorneys, representing their clients, multi-party cases or cross border cases can also be discussed.
Summary of the categories that are tested during the assessment:

  1. Professional attitude, self-reflection and professional development

  2. Managing the process, including generating options, decision-making, closure, implementation  and follow-up of mediations.

  3. nterventions and techniques used.

  4. Advanced mediation process management skills and techniques.

See Practice Assessment Criteria Tool

Image by Alexander Tsang

The costs to become an IMI Certified Mediator through this assessment are € 1.690,- (excluding 21% Dutch VAT where applicable). Toolkit Alumni of the Academy receive 10% discount on this prices. IMI Qualified Mediators who received their training from the Academy receive € 250,- exemption.
You can read here the steps to take for registering with IMI after passing the assessment. 
Comment to diversity: in line with the IMI requirements participation in the assessment process is accessible on an equal basis to experienced mediators regardless of their professional affiliations, gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristic. Assessors and others taking part in the assessment process sign an integrity declaration to ascertain this.




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